
Creating an Alert

Creating an Alert

In this video, you will learn how to create an alert. Start by moving your mouse over the Administration and Settings Menu.

Click the Alerts Center option from the dropdown menu.

The Alerts Center workspace has the Alerts Center widget with the following tabs: Alerts, Recipient Groups, Recipients and My Settings

To create an alert, you first have to create recipients, and optionally, recipient groups.

Start by selecting the Recipients tab. Then click the insert link.

The company will automatically populate. The name field is for the name of the recipient who will receive the alert.

Email is the primary delivery method for alerts. Enter the recipient's email address.

If this recipient has additional contact methods, enter them by clicking the Add Another Contact Method button.

Once all Recipient information is added, click Save.

The Recipients list view will show a confirmation that the recipient was successfully submitted and can also be seen in the list view.

Add additional recipients by repeating this process.

For multiple recipients receiving the same alert, create a Recipient Group. Let's review this process.

Beside the Recipients tab is the Recipient Groups tab. Click Insert to open the Add Recipient Group page.

Enter a Group Name and click the Recipient Name field to display a list of recipients available to add. Click each name/contact method pair.

Once you've added all of the recipients, click Save.

The Recipient Groups list view will show a confirmation that the group was successfully submitted and can also be seen in the list view.

Once you've added recipients and created a recipient group, you can create alerts.

Select the Alerts tab and then click Add New Alert.

Enter an Alert Name. Select the Alert Group and Alert Type using the dropdowns. Some alert types may generate additional fields.

Enter an Alert Subject Line or modify the one that is presented by default. The recipient will see this subject line when they receive the alert.

Add recipients or a recipient group to the alert by either selecting them from the dropdown, or typing the names and the system will return the ones that match.

Once a group or individual recipients have been added, you can select other optional alert criteria, then click Save.

The Alerts Center will show confirmation that the Alert has been submitted and it can been seen in the list view.

There are common features on the Alerts Center for all tabs. The ability to filter within each tab allows data to be selected based on the filter criteria.

Functionality also exists to print, export and refresh data.

The Actions menu dropdown allows each of the data elements to be managed individually.

Thank you for watching how to create an alert, recipients and recipient groups.

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