
Customizing List Views

Customizing List Views

In this video, you'll learn how to apply filters, manage column headers and create a new view. Start by selecting Payment Management under the Payments & Transfers menu. This will open the Payment Center workspace.

Let's explore how to use filters. Applying filters allows you to select a subset of data based on the criteria you choose. Click on the Select Fields dropdown to select the key field on which you wish to filter. In the next box, select the keyword to filter on and click Apply. This list is dynamic, and the operations will change depending on the filter key. If you want to add multiple filters, just repeat the same process and click Apply.

When filters are applied to a list view, you'll see them displayed as badges above the list view. If you want to hide the filter values, click Filters to the far right. This will collapse the section. To expand, simply click filters again and the filter values will be displayed. You can use this feature to show or hide filter values on any saved view. If multiple filters have been applied, you can clear them individually. Or to remove all filters at once, click the Clear link and the list view will return to the full view.

Another way to manage the data in the list view is to sort the data. Each column is sortable. Simply place your mouse inside a column header and click, and the list view data will sort based on that column. The data can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrow: up for ascending, down for descending. You can also size columns to make them wider or narrower. To resize a column, align your mouse with the right side of the column header. Then drag and release when it's the width you want. You can also add or remove columns. Click on the gear icon at the far right side of the column header row. It'll display all of the columns that are available to view. Simply click on or off the column heading you want to include. When you're done, click Update and the view will show those columns that you selected.

Changing the order of columns is easy, too. Place your mouse over the column header name and an ellipsis will appear. Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag the column to the position you want and release the mouse button. You can create multiple views and save them to meet your specific needs. Let's save the current view so that you can use it the next time you need it. On the right, above the column header, click the list view name dropdown. Here, you'll see a list of all the pre-configured views that are available. Click on Save View, enter a name for the view, then click Go.

You can make any view your default so that it appears every time you come to this screen—or just save them for when you need them. To set your default view, simply click Set as Default when you're in that view. To change the view again, click on the View dropdown list and select any other view. The steps in this video will apply to all other list views within the system.

Thanks for watching this video, where we reviewed how to manage and customize a list view by applying filters, sorting, sizing, selecting column headers and saving personalized views.

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