
Exporting Information From the System

Exporting Information From the System

In this video, you'll learn how to create and download reports and files containing balance and transaction information in various file formats.

Let's start by selecting Download from the Reporting menu. To create a new export file, click the Export link. An Export Data window is displayed.

Start by selecting an Export Type from the dropdown. For our example, we will select CSV.

The file name defaults to a system-generated name, but it is editable so you can provide a more meaningful file name.

Based on the Export Type selected, there may be additional criteria to select. For example, when exporting in CSV format, you'll also choose what to include in the Output Content and whether to include or exclude header values in the file.

For our example, we want Balances and Transactions and a header row.

Select a date or date range of the balances and transactions to be included in the output file.

Again, based on your Export Type selection, there may be optional fields to help further define the search criteria. Leaving any of these fields blank will include all available options for that field.

Once you've selected your criteria, click the Create Export button to create your output file.

The Download list view will show the export requested.

Once the output file is ready, you'll be notified in the bottom right corner of the screen.

You can either download the report directly from that notification, or you can dismiss the notification and download the report from the Download widget.

Depending on your browser setting, either you'll be prompted to provide a location for the downloaded file or the file may appear at the bottom of your browser window.

Thank you for watching this video, where we reviewed how to export data from the system.

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