
Legacy Reports

Legacy Reports

In this video, you'll learn how to view, save and print legacy reports.

Legacy reports are standard, preconditioned reports the bank will deliver on a scheduled basis determined by your enrollment. Start by navigating to the Legacy Reports workspace, which is found under the Reporting menu. The available reports will show in the list view but you can change the results by clicking the Edit link next to Search Criteria.

The available fields are Report ID, Description, Date and File Type.

To select, just click inside the field and the system will provide the options available to you. When all criteria have been selected click Search.

You may filter the results by using the Filter dropdown and selecting one of the available options.

To view a report, click the View action link next to the desired report. The report will display in a report viewer.

You may save the report as a PDF or a text file using the Export As Dropdown. You may also save the report by placing your curser over the report viewer and clicking the download icon that appears.

To print the report, select your browser's Print option.

Click Cancel below the report viewer to return to the list of available reports.

Thanks for watching this video, where we have reviewed how to view, save and print legacy reports.

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