
Reports Management

Reports Management

In this video, you'll learn how to view and customize reports from the Reports Management widget.

You can add the Reports Management widget to your Home workspace, or select Report Management from the Reporting menu.

The Reports Management widget lists all of the reports that you're entitled to view. To rearrange the list, click on a column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

Click View in the Actions column next to any report to edit the report criteria or run a report.

Enter any required fields for the report, then click the Run Report button to generate the report.

Once the report is finished running, it will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Using the Export As field, you can download the report as a PDF, CSV or plain text file. Depending on your browser setting, either you'll be prompted to provide a location for the file or the file may appear at the bottom of your browser window.

You also have the option to save or print using the menu that displays within the report.

You can make one-time changes or create custom versions of a report. Enter your specific criteria for any of the available options. Leave a field blank to include all information for the criteria. Required fields will be noted with a red asterisk.

To run the report for a specific day or date range, click in the Date field and choose Custom Range. Select the from date on the left calendar and the to date on the right calendar. For a single date, you'll select the same date on both calendars. Click Apply.

To view your changes, click Run Report. To save the customized version of the report, check Save this Report and enter a configuration name and description.

Check Shared if you wish to make the report public for other users to view. When you're finished, click Run Report. The report will display at the bottom of the screen.

Click Cancel to return to the Reports Management widget, where your saved report will be displayed in the list view. You have the option to view, modify or delete the custom report at any time.

Thank you for watching this video, where we reviewed how to view and customize reports from the Reports Management widget.

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