Analysis Business Checking

Designed for businesses with high activity levels

Low Monthly Fee

Monthly fees offset by account balances.


Manage a variety of cash flow options and optimize earnings.

Bank When You Want

Access to Commercial Advantage, including online statements and Bill Pay.


One relationship

For companies with several related accounts and more complex financial needs, this analysis business checking account puts your money to work for you, through a competitive monthly Earnings Credit Rate.

  • Available for both non-interest-bearing and interest-bearing accounts
  • Earnings credits offset some or all of your monthly expenses

Convenience without costs

Open with less

Put your money to work today with a $100 minimum opening deposit in a non-bearing interest account.

Pay with confidence

Your Visa® Business Debit Card offers a safe, convenient way to pay for purchases, manage cash flow and increase efficiency—all for free.

Improve cash flow

Understand the basics of cash flow, and learn how to manage and improve it with our Treasury Services.

What is Earnings Credit Rate?

Earnings Credit Rate, or ECR, is the interest rate a bank pays on customer deposits. Rather than being applied to the deposit directly, ECRs are used to reduce the fees customers pay for other banking services. Because depositors leave balances in non-interest bearing accounts, the bank will apply an ECR on those balances and use that as a credit for services.

ECR is often correlated with the US Treasury bill, or T-bill, rate.

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Send and transfer money using ACH and wires

Receive account and security alerts

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Send and transfer money using ACH and wires

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Receive account and security alerts

Account openings are subject to bank approval.

For complete list of account details and fees, see our Disclosure of Products and Fees—Business Accounts and Services.

Per item fees: $0.20 per debit/check paid, $0.90 per paper deposit, $0.40 per electronic deposit and $0.15 per item deposited—in-state/out-of-state/government/on-us.

Links to third-party websites may have a privacy policy different from Ed National Bank and may provide less security than this website. Ed National Bank and its affiliates are not responsible for the products, services and content on any third-party website.

Bank deposit products are offered by Ed National Bank. Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. icon: sys-ehl.